CINSHFT is a sci-fantasy adventure where you play as three members of the same family, each with their own unique abilities and play styles. Spread in three wildly different eras of a future Earth, they are still connected by a mysterious force that allows them to work as a team across a vast span of time.
CINSHFT is a sci-fantasy adventure where you play as three members of the same family, each with their own unique abilities and play styles. Spread in three wildly different eras of a future Earth, they are still connected by a mysterious force that allows them to work as a team across a vast span of time.
Brought to you by an experienced team of veteran developers and expert universe-builders from Kabam, Riot, Capcom, Ubisoft, and EA, and inspired by games like Hades, Bastion and Hyper Light Drifter, CINSHFT is a game that blends fast paced action adventure with time-shifting problem solving in a rich narrative world.
The year is 2068. After seven years exploring the solar system, a fractured space-exploring family is returning to Earth in a rush to save the life of their youngest, who has fallen ill with a mysterious alien disease.
Near their arrival they are surprised by an Extinction-Level Event threatening the whole planet: 433-Eros, a massive near-Earth asteroid, is days away from striking the planet. Something has knocked this 25-mile long rock out of its usual orbit, and into a direct collision path with Earth.
Knowing there’s nothing they can do to stop Eros and low on resources, the family makes the hard decision to put themselves into cryogenic sleep and program the navigation computer to land them only when it’s safe.
A long, long time passes…
One by one, each member of the family wakes up from their cryogenic cocoons. They seem to be back on Earth, but something has gone wrong - they find themselves separated by thousands of years, in three different ages, each with its own distinct history and dangers.
The Primordial Age - Year 2168 AE (After Impact)
NOVA, the teenage daughter, awakens one hundred years after the asteroid impact, in the Primordial Age. After the tragedy, this is the birth of a new civilization, built over the ruins of our own.
The Dystopian Age - Year 3068 AE (After Impact)
NAOMI, the Mother, awakens in the Dystopian Age, one thousand years after the asteroid impact. The world of men has fallen again. This era feels like the deepest of the dark ages.
The Primordial Age - Year 10XXX AE (After Impact)
NILES, the Father, Awakes in the Chimeric Age, ten thousand years after the asteroid impact. A new human species inherits the world, a hybrid between super-intelligent machines and bioengineered organisms.
Although they are physically apart, they feel connected by a mysterious forcethat allows them to feel each other’s presence: a force called “THE CINSHFT”. As the story progresses, their connection becomes stronger. They start to see what the others see, and even influence each other’s actions in both directionsof the time stream.
You will encounter many mysteries across time that cannot be solved with a single character's abilities. Shift between characters and their eras and use each one's unique skills to work together to find a solution. As you journey deeper into these worlds and solve even greater mysteries you will unlock new abilities for each character.
The decisions you make as a player can have an affect on other eras in time. Some are like a ripple, destroying a bridge in one era that cuts off enemy access to an area in another. Others are like a wave, changing how a faction that once considered you an enemy now sees you as a friend.
In your travels you will encounter many new species and cultures, those that have evolved over the decades and centuries altered by the Eros impact, and those that have reached Earth from distant galaxies searching for what the asteroid may have left behind. Befriend and help the locals, meet and influence the different factions and come face to face with tremendous bosses. How those encounters end is up to you!
EXPLORE AND COLLECT - Delve into the hidden depths and dark corners of the world to collect valuable relics of the past.
CRAFT AND TRADE - Craft and trade for new and powerful items to gain new abilities allowing you to explore deeper into each new world.
BUILD AND GROW - Trade resources and aid the inhabitants of Bastion City to help it rebuild and grow, gaining you access to new locations, shops, adventures and mysteries.
Each character has unique abilities that fit their individual play styles, some available from the start, others that need to be discovered, researched or unlocked. Each ability is designed to be used both in exploration and in combat, allowing players to decide how and when to use each one.
The main characters in CINSHFT progress through a unique skill tree called The Family Tree, which contains not only individual branches representing each character’s personal skill, but also unique traits that are linked to other members of the family, and can only be unlocked by evolving two or more characters in unison.
Explore an interconnected world that spans three different eras. As each character explores their world from one area to the next, they will encounter areas that cannot be crossed and gates that cannot be opened in their time, but are accessible in others.
Shift between characters and explore three eras together, using each character's unique abilities and items to unlock their deepest secrets.
We created CINSHFT to be divided in modules. Beyond the initial game (set in and around Bastion City), we have created stretch goal objectives that will take the experience further. The higher we reach in these milestones, the more features and modes we can add to the game, and the more we can expand the world into new regions complete with more adventures, characters and bosses. Below is a breakdown of some of our plans: